Welcome to New Day Whole Health…

FOOD is Medicine & Natural Remedies Work!

For 25 years I went from doctor to doctor to doctor trying to figure out why I never felt well all my life…MTHFR, EBV, lyme, parasites, hashimoto’s, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic infection, chronic fatigue, MS symptoms, gallbladder removed, and my list goes on!  Then 4 years with a functional medicine doctor and a naturopathic doctor. I spent a small fortune of boatloads of supplements, lot of medical testing and retesting, SUPER strict diets and I still wasn’t well. I was convinced that there had to be a better way!

I furthered my education and began hand crafting my own essential oil blends to address my leaky gut and pathogenic biofilms that harbor parasites, viruses, mold, yeast, fungus, bacteria, heavy metals and other toxins. Along with the dessicated glandular and superfood powders that have been used for more than 2,000 years this simple and inexpensive protocol got my health finally on track. My health is not perfect but it is 100 times better than where I was 10 years ago. Check out what others are saying about my Gut & Immune Protocol.

You can be better too!

Why New Day Whole Health?

On my site, you’ll find simple solutions for better health. Support for MTHRF, chronic gut issues, parasite & heavy metal cleansing, hormone balancing, and more as well as valuable FREE resources, virtual grocery store tour, and educational printable materials.

“I have spent thousands of dollars on various doctors, expensive treatments, as well as lifestyle changes, however, I could not fully see the progress that I needed. I was fatigued, had brain fog, felt sluggish and had so many digestive issues. After using her products for the last few months, I have regained access to my energy and focus. Nancy has been so helpful along my journey. I am really lucky to have come across a New Day Whole Health.”

—Carolina Lewis

“After working with Nancy for several months I recently realized that I no longer have a poor relationship with food and I am not hungry all of the time. Thank you for helping me heal my gut!”

—Alex Wix

Simple Solutions for Better Health!

Looking for a more personalized experience?

I also offer one on one nutrition & lifestyle consulting.


  • Online Essential Oil Shop

  • Handcrafted 100% Organic Blends

  • One on One Health Consulting

  • Wholistic Approach for Wellness

  • FREE Online Resources

  • Acupressure

Nancy knows her craft. Through her guidance I was able to get my health back to achieve my goal, a healthy pregnancy.
— Michelle Nault

Functional Medicine would say that all chronic and degenerative disease begins in the gut. Whether you are struggling with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, mood disorders, skin irritations, allergies, acne, or one of the numerous other issues, the key to obtaining optimal health is in “healing the gut”. Factors that need to be addressed for healing the gut are addressing nutritional deficiencies, lifestyle, stress management, decreasing toxin load and balancing gut bacteria.



The Boring Disclaimer… All information provided by New Day Whole Health and by Nancy Knudson is for educational purposes. Any information provided here is not meant to take the place of your doctor’s advice. This site and products available here are not evaluated by the FDA. Always check with your doctor or pediatrician before making changes to your diet, lifestyle or supplement routine.


Would you like some one on one advice? Being healthy doesn’t have to be hard.

Could one conversation change your life?

On my site, you’ll find simple solutions for better health. Support for MTHRF, chronic gut issues, parasite & heavy metal cleansing, hormone balancing, and more as well as valuable FREE resources, virtual grocery store tour, and educational printable materials.